
This Nigerian firm created an industrial investment plan and chose new products to produce with more appropriate technologies.

Nigerian firm associated with the government of Niger for extraction of hydrocarbon fossils.
(we respect our client’s right to privacy by not mentioning their name)

supply of various machinery and equipment


This Nigerian firm associated with the government firm for gas extraction and distribution, is an industrial concern in a country whose economy is principally based on agriculture and farming, as well as exploitation of an important natural resource, uranium.

The principal business of this firm is in the metal carpentry and blade production sector, in particular production of iron barrels for packaging and transport of extraction products and tanks.

Its management has found that Niger is very far from being self-sufficient, even for the most common products, and is obliged to depend on imports, especially from Nigeria, Ivory Coast and Senegal.


Our first step was to travel immediately to Niger, meet the client, and undertake a deep analysis of the issue, to create initial informal contacts, meeting all the parties which might be involved in the operation: the owner of the client firm, political leaders, senior bankers and so forth, so as to have the most complete framework of the socio-political framework in which we would be operating to offer the client the best range of profitable proposals in line with with the situation and the needs expressed.

The preliminary study

The preliminary study, complete with valuation of the investment budget and examination of operation costs, subdivided into sections such as raw materials, components, cost of work, energy etc. was implemented in close and continuous collaboration with the client.

New opportunities

Our research came up with a range of products which the client could produce of certain interest for their geographical and socio-economic market.

Gas cylinders for domestic use;
Iron rods for building trade.


Replacement of technologies used by the firm, now almost obsolete, with more up to date lines, has allowed development of new productive potential through systems such as:

Automatic shot blasting factory;
Semi-automatic dust painting factory.


With the collaboration of our partner firms in Italy, both for moulding machines and the painting line, each a leader in their own sector, we planned lines for the production of wheelbarrows, shovels and rods for the building trade.

Our Italian partners provided their own machinery directly while STI dealt with planning the moulds and equipment necessary with specialised workshops.


Moulds, machinery, equipment and systems were provided to the client in an organised and perfectly coherent fashion.

STI coordinated all the production and logistics for moving every reference for the technical part to Niger. This included relationships with upward chain suppliers for the project, as well as transport and relationships with the firms involved in the downward chain, for installation and implementation of everything supplied, as well as providing training for local staff regarding production activation and maintenance.

Our mission is to assist the client both to ensure assistance and maintenance of everything supplied and to support and accompany them in the process of entrepreneurial growth.

Present and future development

The natural development of our relationship with the firm in Niger was identification of a further series of products to b include in their production pipe line in order to have a range of offer wider and more profitable for the market.

  • Please find below some examples:
  • Portable gas stove with two and/or three elements;
  • Extinguishers;

Welded tubes with round, square and rectangular sections.
These projects are following a similar model as before and are being finalised.

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